
Pressure transmitters
Economic INDUSTRIAL pressure transmitter ecE/ECT
(Substitute 8498: ECOS/ECOAA)

Pressure measurement methods
- Absolute and gauge
- Single or differential pressure measurement
Pressure ranges (values given in bar)
Differential pressure measurements
- -1...1.5
- -1...5
- 0...1
- 0...2.5
- 0...6
- 0...10
- 0...16
Gauge pressure measurements
- -1...9
- -1...16
- 0...0.1
- 0...0.16
- 0...0.2
- 0...0.4
- 0...0.6
- 0...1
- 0...1.6
- 0...2.5
- 0...4
- 0...6
- 0...10
- 0...16
- 0...25
- 0...40
- 0...60
- 0...100
- 0...250
- 0...400
- 0...600
- 0...1000
- 0...1600
- 0...2000
Pressure connections
The connections are made of materials such as stainless steel or brass.
Examples of threaded connections:
Male threads:
- G1/4"
- G1/2"
- M10x1
- M14x1.5
- M18x1.5
- 7/16"-20UNF
- NPT 1/4
- Female threads:
- NPT 1/4
- G1/8"
- G1/4"
- M10x1
- M12x1.5
Diaphragm versions:
- Internal
- Frontal
- Front-flush
Signal outputs
- 4...20mA
- 0...10VDC
- 0...5VDC
- 1...6VDC
- 0.5...4.5VDC ratiometric
- RS485
- CANopen
- Relay
- Transistors
Switchpoint settings
For standard products, the switchpoint is set by the user. On request, Trafag carries out setting of the switchpoint in line with the specifications of the customer. In such a case, the devices can be supplied complete with calibration certificate upon request.
Electrical connections
- DIN43650A
- DIN43650C
- DIN72585
- M12
- Cable
- Alternative types of connection can also be manufactured.
Temperature ranges (°C):
Operating temperatures: -25....85/-25...125/-40....125
Media temperatures: -25...125/-40...125/-50...135/-25...200
IP protection ratings
Special approvals
Various certifications such as Ex, Shipbuilding, Railways
Pressure peak pulsation dampers
All pressure connections with G1/4" outer thread are prepared for incorporation of a pressure peak pulsation damper.
S chiffbau C onstruction navale S hipbuilding
M otorenbau C onstr. de moteurs E ngine manufacturing
S chienenfahrzeuge V éhicules sur rail R ailways
Maschinenbau Machines-outils Machine tools
Hydraulik Hydraulique Hydraulics
Kältetechnik R éfrigération R efrigeration
Prozess Techn. T echn. de procédés Process technology
Wasseraufbereitung Traitement de l‘eaux Water treatment
A utoindustrie I ndustrie automobile A utomotive industry
Prüfstände B anc d‘essai à frein T est benches
E x E x E x
L ebensmittelindustrie I ndustrie alimentaire F ood Industry
anwendung Applications Applications
Hauptmerkmale Caractères distinctifs Main characteristics
anwendung Applications Applications
Economic INDUSTRIAL pressure transmitter ecE/ECT
(Substitute 8498: ECOS/ECOAA)
S ensor: D ickschicht auf Keramik
M essbereich: 0...1 bis 0...250 bar
A usgangssignal: 4...20 mA
0...5 VDC
1...6 VDC
0...10 VDC
0.5...4.5 VDC ratiometrisch
NLH (BSL durch 0): ± 0.3 % d.S. typ.
C apteur: F ilm épais sur céramique
Plage de mesure: 0...1 à 0...250 bar
S ignal de sortie: 4...20 mA
0...5 VDC
1...6 VDC
0...10 VDC
0.5...4.5 VDC ratiométrique
NLH (BSL par 0): ± 0.3 % E.M. typ.
S ensor: T hick film on ceramic
M easuring range: 0...1 to 0...250bar
S ignal output: 4...20 mA
0...5 VDC
1...6 VDC
0...10 VDC
0.5...4.5 VDC ratiometric
NLH (BSL through 0): ± 0.3 % FS typ.
Bestellinformation / Information pour la commande / Ordering information
Lager Code (kurze Lieferzeiten)/ Numéro de stock (delai de livraison bref)/ Code for stock products (short delivery time): ECE/ECT
siehe Katalog:/ regardez catalogue:/ see catalogue: „Standard Products“ (z.B./ Ex./e.g: ECT16.0A)
Varianten Code/ Numéro de variantes/ Custom build code 8472
Bereich 0 ... 1.0 Überdruck max. 3.2 Berstdruck 4.8 71
Plage 0 ... 1.6 Surpression 3.2 Pression d‘éclatemenet 4.8 73
Range 0 ... 2.5 Over pressure 5 Burst pressure 7.5 75
0 ... 4 8 12 76
[bar] 0 ... 6 [bar] 12 [bar] 15 77
0 ... 10 20 25 78
0 ... 16 32 40 79
0 ... 25 50 75 80
0 ... 40 80 100 81
0 ... 60 120 180 82
0 ... 100 200 300 83
0 ... 160 320 480 85
0 ... 250 500 750 74
Sonderbereich nach Kundenwunsch, z. B.:
Plage à spécifier par le client, p. ex.: –1 ... +4 bar XX
Customized ranges on request, e.g.:
Sensor relativ/ relatif /relative D ruckanschl./ Racc. de pression/ Pressure conn.: CuZn (ECE) 58
Capteur relativ/ relatif /relative D ruckanschl./ Racc. de pression/ Pressure conn.: 1.4305 (ECT) 57
Sensor *absolut/ abslue/ absolute Druckanschl./ Racc. de pression/ Pressure conn.: CuZn (ECE) 88
*absolut/ abslue/ absolute Druckanschl./ Racc. de pression/ Pressure conn.: 1.4305 (ECT) 87
*Bereich max. 40 bar/ Plage max. 40 bar/ Range max. 40 bar
Druckanschluss G 1/4“ innen/ femelle/ female 10
Raccord de pression G 1/4“ aussen/ mâle/ male 17
Pressure connection N PT 1/4“ aussen/ mâle/ male 30
Ausführung G erätestecker/ Embase mâle/ Male electrical plug: EN 175301-803-A M at.: PA 05
Exécution M 12,1, 5-pol. M at.: PA 35
Execution **Kabel/ Câble/ Cable: (Cable lenght see „accessories“) M at.: PVC (cable gland: PA6-3) 22
Ausgangssignal O utput L oad resistance I SUPPLY U SUPPLY
Signal de sortie 4 ... 20 mA (USupply-9V)/ 20mA 9 ... 30 VDC 19
Output 0 ... 5 VDC > 2.5 kΩ <10 mA 10 ... 30 VDC 14
1 ... 6 VDC > 5.0 kΩ <10 mA 10 ... 30 VDC 16
0 ... 10 VDC > 5.0 kΩ <10 mA 15 ... 30 VDC 17
0.5... 4.5 VDC > 5.0 kΩ <10 mA 5 VDC ±0.25 V ratiometrisch/ ratiométrique/ ratiometric 23
Zubehör O -Ring F KM 61
Accessoires CR 62
Accessories E PDM 63
D ruckspitzendämpfung/ Elément d‘amortissement à pointe de surpression/ ø 0.3 mm 43
Pressure peak damping element: compatible for pressure connection No. 17&30 ø 0.5 mm 45
ø 1.0 mm 40
Kabeldose/ Fiche femelle/ Female electrical connector EN 175301-803-A (DIN43650-A) 58
M12x1, 5-pol. 33
Anschlussbelegung spezial/ Raccordement électrique spécial/ Special electrical connection:
>Details siehe ‚Elektrischer Anschluss‘/ details voir ‚Raccordement électrique‘/ details see ‚electrical connection‘
Ausführung/Execution No. 05 (EN175301-803-A) &
Output No. 19 (4...20 mA) 92
Outputs No. 14 (0...5 VDC), No. 16 (1...6 VDC), No.17 (0...10 VDC), 98
No.23 (0.5...4.5 VDC)
**Kabellänge/ Longueur du câble/ Cable lenght: 1.5 m 1M
3.0 m 3M
5.0 m 5M
Trafag pressure transmitters are used for the electronic measurement and evaluation of pressure values. They are available in many different versions with regard to pressure and electrical connections, measurement procedures, electric output signals, and approvals (CE, Ex, Shipbuilding, Railways). Two different sensor technologies are available, namely thin-film-on-steel (weld-sealed design without O-rings) and thick-film-on-ceramic. Trafag also develops and manufactures products specifically to customer requirements.
At the very heart of Trafag pressure transmitters are pressure sensors based on either thin-film-on-steel or thick-film-on-ceramic technology derived from own in-house development and production. This ensures that the pressure sensors and associated electronics are perfectly attuned to one another, a feature subsequently successfully confirmed through reliable function and long serviceable life.
Trafag is a technology pioneer in the miniaturization of rugged pressure transmitters.
Product programme
The following information provides an initial programme overview. The individual product features are not freely combinable with one another. Further information can be obtained by consulting Trafag`s product catalogs and data sheets.
Sensor technologies
Thin-film-on-steel technology:
Measurement is effected according to the strain gauge principle. Through the force effect of the sample medium, the strain gauge bridge is deformed, changing its electrical characteristics.
- Very good long-term stability
- Ability to endure elevated medium temperatures
- Completely weld-sealed sensor system made of stainless steel without O-rings
- Very high resistance to overpressure; ideal for rated values up to 2000 bar
Thick-film-on-ceramic technology:
Measurement is effected according to the strain gauge principle. Through the force effect of the sample medium, the strain gauge bridge is deformed, changing its electrical characteristics.
- Resistant to aggressive media
- Ideal for low-pressure ranges
- Sealed with an O-ring